Q: How do I join one of your groups?

A: We do not plan to make any new pin groups for the foreseeable future as we are moving to an in hand only model.

Q: Where can I find updates for the pins I've preordered?

A:Updates are posted in two locations: on @notefromnyx instagram page and in the #updates channel on the discord. Both are available to the public, but you must join the discord first in order to view the channel.

Q:Who do I message with "x" query?

For all presale, production and Patreon queries, message Nyxxipins. For all in hand and shipping queries, message Nyxxistant. For discord related queries, message any of the mods or Nyxxi.

Q: Do you restock sold out pins?

A: Only the filler pins are restocked at infrequent intervals. All other Nyyxipins are limited edition; so once the pin is sold out, it will not be restocked.


Q: Where will patreon be available to join again?

Patreon will remain paused until all outstanding patreon rewards pins are completed and in the process of shipping to previous patrons. At that time, Nyxxi will reassess when to reopen the patreon.

Q: Where can I find updates for the patreon pins?

Patreon pin updates will be posted in three locations: on patreon, on discord under the #patreon-updates channel, and on @notesfromnyx instagram. If you do not see an update in any of these three locations, it is because one is not available yet.

Q: If I cancelled my Patreon membership, will I still get my rewards?

Absolutely! Patreon stores all data on previous members for the creator to access when shipping out older rewards.


Q: What is the purpose of your discord?

A: The Nyxxipins discord is a platform for collectors to congregate as a community to share their collections and help one another trade! Nyxxi also uses the discord as a forum to provide updates to her presale buyers.

Q: How do I join the discord?

A: Follow this link for access and make sure to fill out the appropriate introduction: Discord 

Q: Why has my membership application to your discord not been approved?

A: If your application to join has not been approved, that is because you have not followed the instructions detailed in the #rules channel of the discord. Please review the rules and reapply using the appropriate format.

Q: I was previously a member of your discord, but I am not longer able to access it. Why did this happen?

A: We have a three strikes policy in our discord. If you fail to follow the community guidelines that you agreed to when submitting your introduction, you will be placed in "time out". If this occurs three times, you will be removed from the discord permanently. This keeps the discord as pleasant experience for all members.